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Attendance Policies

Regular attendance is always encouraged. It is extremely important to the success of our students. We realize children will sometimes become ill. If your child displays symptoms of illness (such as fever, sore throat, cough, rash, or other communicable diseases), please protect YOUR CHILD as well as others by keeping him/her home until fully recovered. When illness necessitates your child’s absence, please CALL THE SCHOOL ATTENDANCE LINE BEFORE 8:00 a.m. at 303-853-1358.

Please leave the following information:

  • Child’s Name (please spell) first and last
  • Date of absence
  • Reason for absence
  • Classroom teacher’s name
  • Your name and relation to student
  • A daytime phone number where you may be reached

Valuable instructional time is lost when a child is absent from school or signed out before the end of the day. Unless an emergency occurs, please schedule doctor appointments or other family activities late enough to allow students to remain in school for the entire day. 

Excused Absences:

The school administrator or his or her designee has the authority to determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused. However, excused absences shall
include the following:

  • Illness
  • Death of an immediate family member
  • Time required for medical and dental appointments
  • An absence as approved by the administration of the school
  • Extended absences due to physical, mental, or emotional disabilities.

If it is necessary for you to pick up your child before the end of the school day, please come to the school office and sign your child out at the time of departure. To assure safety, students will only be released to the custodial parent or a designee listed on the emergency card. Please bring your ID for verification. If someone else is to pick up a child, please submit a request in writing to the school office. While we stress the importance of students being responsible, sometimes the need arises for items to be brought in during the day. Rather than disrupt the classroom with a delivery, parents should leave these items in the office and the student will be called to pick them up at the end of the day.

Tardy Policy:

Students will be counted tardy if they arrive after the tardy bell at 8:38 a.m. All students must go to the front office to receive a tardy pass before they go to their classroom. A note from the parent/guardian to the classroom teacher excuses a tardy. Notes must be received within one day of the tardy unless there are mitigating circumstances.

Perfect Attendance:

Perfect attendance will be awarded to students on a trimester basis. Perfect attendance will be defined as students who come to school every day and are on time.

NOTE: If your child goes with you on “Take Your Child to Work Day”, it is an excused
absence. This means that your child will NOT be a candidate for perfect attendance that quarter.